Helen on tour…

June 1, 2008by Helen Perkins

Helen regularly travels all over the UK visiting reflexology groups to present ‘Intuition and Sound Reflexology.’ Since March, she has visited 10 groups! The visits are either a whole day’s training or from one hour to a half day presentation with activities. Here are accounts of some of those visits.

Helen enjoys visiting towns and places she has not been to before. She particularly enjoys travelling by train as she can gaze out of the window, although she does take work with her! In April, she visited the newly formed Association of Reflexologists (AoR) group in Kendal. She was invited to stay the night before with one of the group’s committee and stayed on an extra night after to explore the northern lakes. The group meet at the local hospital, where a large room with couches is provided, see the photo where the group are gathered around one of the members on a couch! The group were all keen to learn about sound reflexology and ‘tunefully’ took part in the demonstration. Great responses and success were experienced when sensations were felt in the corresponding body part to the reflex being held!

An old house, now a hotel, where the composer of ‘Abide With Me’ lived, was the setting of Intuition Reflexology Part 1 for the south Devon area group. Sally Churchill, leader of the group had organised the weekday event, at this wonderful beauty spot, in Brixham, overlooking the bay. Some of the activities were taken outside as was lunch. The practical session with reflexology took place in the lounge, everyone enjoyed the day! Photos show the group sitting outside the hotel and the reflexology techniques in the lounge with Helen’s supervision.

Helen will travel by car and enjoyed her visit to the Dorset group. She arrived the day before at Lesley’s house in Shaftesbury. Here, Lesley Frost, who is the area group leader was able to walk with Helen around the old town and showed her the street where the Hovis advert is filmed! The area group meet in a village hall near Dorchester as their members come from all over the county to meet together. After sharing lunch together, Helen presented her concept to a new audience! It was well received with lots of questions and interest in the ‘Reflex-Ease product.

In late June, Helen drove to Leicester, which is not far to travel from her own home. Here she spoke to an enthusiastic group who have met for many years. The group grasped the idea of using sound on the reflexes and experimented in pairs with hand reflexology. All took part in making sounds.

Helen travelled to south Manchester by train and was met by Margaret Bebbington who runs the area group. Before the session started, Helen was able to spend some time chatting about the group as Helen is the Area Group Director with the AoR. This provided the opportunity for the group to ask a variety of questions about reflexology including learning about Helen’s special intuition and sound reflexology!

Helen Perkins


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Copyright by Helen Mary Perkins 2024. All rights reserved.