HELEN is keenly aware that post-training recovery is vital to any athlete’s fitness programme, having treated various sportsmen and women over the years from marathon runners to rugby players. Many have told her how Bexters Soda Crystals complement their Bowen sessions.
This is especially true if a painful musculoskeletal injury is involved, often leading to swelling which itself can impact recovery. Bexters is treatment of choice for athletes around the world… a natural, safe and effective way to reduce swelling using Helen’s purpose-designed and reusable applicator wrap. Physiotherapists use and recommend Bexters to assist their clients with post-operative rehabilitation.
The crystals can also be added to a hot bath to relieve muscular aches and pains after any form of exercise, intensive training or performance. This was the dual message from Holistic Therapist magazine which highlighted the benefits of Bexters in a half-page feature in its Winter edition.