Helen re-elected as BTUK chairman

June 1, 2024by robert

AFTER a busy first year in the role, Helen is delighted to have been re-elected as chairman of Bowen Training UK, at their recent AGM held via Zoom. Colleagues John Wilks (treasurer) and Nickatie Morgan (secretary) were also re-elected unopposed.

“The past year seems to have flown by and despite some challenging issues we have made good progress implementing some of our plans, including re-branding,” said Helen.

In addition to the new-look Facebook page, achievements include the launch of an Instagram platform to help reach a wider audience and a review of the Introduction to Bowen Therapy workbook used by instructors, and by those who may like to teach and progress towards a Teaching Assistant role.

“We shall shortly be starting an exciting project to create a new website, our primary channel to attract and engage potential therapists, while also promoting our CPD opportunities,” said Helen.

Still to come is a review of policies and procedures to ensure they meet today’s heightened compliance requirements. “We are also working closely with Bowen Association UK to help members who wish to be registered with the Complementary Natural Health Council.

“While we are just a small team of instructors, we are committed to securing the future of BTUK which requires us collectively to attract more students and provide the necessary support and aftercare as they progress to become experienced practitioners,” added Helen.



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Copyright by Helen Mary Perkins 2024. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Helen Mary Perkins 2024. All rights reserved.