The Power of Crystals with the Suffolk Group – Intuition Reflexology Part 1

May 15, 2008by Helen Perkins

The Power of Crystals with Intuition Reflexology Part 1: Suffolk AoR Area Group
JANE Healey, leader of this group, invited me to present my workshop day at Risby in the countryside around Bury St Edmunds. A good turn out with members keen to try techniques that would enhance their understanding of using intuition.
Many members of the group were already seeing colours around people or visualising it. Others had studied spiritual healing or reiki, and some had experienced clairvoyance. All were happy to take part in the activities and most had not used crystals with the reflexes. This is part of the reflexology practical in the afternoon, where I demonstrate how crystals can become an extension or added tool for balancing the reflex area. The reflexologist goes through the preparation steps, learned in the morning session, and then using their intuition in their own special way, takes a crystal. The crystal is held away from the reflex or pointing to, but in the energy field and not on the skin.
The reflexologist continues holding the crystal for one minute or until there is a change detected in a variety of ways. The partner/client is often deeply relaxed and at the end of the session reports noticeable benefits.
These details and feedback are recorded on a client file for any further treatments. All members of the group enjoyed the day.

Helen Perkins

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Copyright by Helen Mary Perkins 2024. All rights reserved.